These root causes prevent digital agencies from scalling up


42% of agency owners are oblivious to operational challenges that can cause complications.


58% of agency owners initially ignore operational challenges, which grow into significant problems.


83% of agency owners recognize operational challenges but lack the resources to address them.

Digital agency concerns often encountered by owners


My team’s skill gaps led to unhappy clients and constant revisions.

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Evaluate the offshore team’s skills in-depth.

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Research vendors for a diverse talent pool.

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Check the track record of potential vendors.


I’m declining 2-3 potential clients due to capacity limitations.

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Identify partners with scalable resources.

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Evaluate their capacity to handle fluctuating workloads.

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Ensure they embrace new opportunities fully.


Previous offshore vendor inflated bills, causing cost overruns and profit loss.

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Define contract terms explicitly.

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Link invoices to approved timesheets.

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Tie payments to project milestones.


Vendor’s irregular updates left me unprepared for client queries.

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Establish clear communication protocols.

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Implement real-time reporting tools.

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Aim for consistent transparency in interactions.


Onboarding vendors eats into billable hours, exceeding budget.

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Develop standardized onboarding procedures.

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Select vendors recognized for quick onboarding.

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Focus on minimizing downtime during the process.


I distrust freelancers and vendors due to past unmet expectations.

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Initiate trial projects to establish trust.

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Look for vendors with positive testimonials.

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Maintain open communication channels.


Takes less than 5 minutes

Why digital agency owners love us?

What to look for in offshore partnerships?

  • CheckArrowIconLook for teams with significant experience (5+ years) and a proventrack record.
  • CheckArrowIconLook for partners capable of scaling resources to match project demands.
  • CheckArrowIconLook for clear and transparent billing practices tied to timesheet approvals.
  • CheckArrowIconLook for vendors offering quick, efficient, and cost-effective onboarding.
  • CheckArrowIconLook for timezone adaptability to ensure seamless workflow collaboration.
  • CheckArrowIconLook for flexible contracting with no stringent minimum terms.

Not sure where to find such a partner?

At TogetherWeShip, we firmly believe in practicing what we preach. Our proven processes have successfully assisted over 200 agencies and counting. We’ve refined our consulting approach through hands-on experience with 100+ clients, making it a tried and tested method.

Quick, easy and no cost onboarding

Senior resources with 5+ years of experience

No invoices without timesheet approval

Timezone flexibility

Weekly meetings with project managers

No minimum contract term