Blog / 7 wordpress development myths debunked
August 6, 2024

7 wordpress development myths debunked

  • Development Support
  • Wordpress

You’ve probably heard it before: “WordPress isn’t secure,” “It can’t handle big projects,” or “It’s too basic for our needs.” In this blog, we’re setting the record straight. We’ll dive into seven common myths about  WordPress Development and explain why they’re not quite true. By the end, we promise you’ll have a fresh perspective on why WordPress is a strong choice for all sorts of web projects, no matter how complex or demanding.

Myth 1: WordPress is Not Suitable for E-Commerce

A common myth is that  WordPress Development is not suitable for e-commerce websites. Many believe that it lacks the robust features and scalability required for an online store. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. WordPress, combined with powerful plugins like WooCommerce, is a formidable platform for e-commerce.

WooCommerce transforms WordPress into a fully functional e-commerce site, offering features like product management, payment gateways, shipping options, and inventory tracking. It’s highly customizable, allowing businesses to tailor their online stores to specific needs. High-traffic sites like All Blacks Shop and New Balance use WooCommerce to manage their extensive product ranges and complex e-commerce operations, proving that WordPress can handle the demands of online retail.

This myth likely persists due to WordPress’s origins as a blogging platform, but its evolution into a versatile CMS means it can support various website types, including e-commerce. By leveraging the right plugins and practices, agency owners can build scalable and efficient online stores, debunking the myth that it is unsuitable for WordPress e-commerce setup.

Myth 2: WordPress Can’t Handle High Traffic

Another widespread myth is that  WordPress Development can’t handle high traffic and isn’t suitable for large, high-traffic websites. This misconception likely stems from the perception that WordPress is a simple blogging platform, but the reality is quite different. 

With the right optimizations and configurations, high-traffic WordPress optimization is highly capable of managing substantial traffic loads. Websites like TechCrunch, Sony Music, and The New Yorker, which attract millions of visitors, rely on WordPress to manage their extensive content and visitor traffic, showcasing their ability to perform exceptionally well under high-traffic conditions when properly optimized.

Performance issues typically arise from poor configuration rather than inherent limitations of WordPress. By implementing best practices such as caching, Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), and optimized hosting, agency owners can ensure their WordPress sites remain fast and reliable, even under heavy traffic. 

Myth 3: WordPress Sites Look Generic

A common myth is that WordPress sites look generic and cannot deliver unique, custom designs. This misconception arises from the wide availability of pre-made themes, which some believe limits creativity and customization. However, WordPress’s flexibility and extensive customization options allow for highly distinctive and visually appealing websites.

WordPress themes provide a foundation, but they are highly customizable. With thousands of premium themes and countless plugins available, designers can modify every aspect of a site’s appearance and functionality with options for custom WordPress designs. For those looking for complete control, custom themes can be developed from scratch, and tailored to specific branding and design requirements. Websites like Beyoncé’s official site and The Walt Disney Company showcase how  WordPress Development can create stunning, unique designs that stand out.

This myth persists because of the abundance of default themes, but these are just starting points. Skilled designers and developers can transform any WordPress site into a unique online presence, utilizing custom themes, advanced CSS, and JavaScript to achieve any desired look and feel. 

Myth 4: WordPress Sites Are Hard to Maintain

A common myth is that WordPress sites are difficult to maintain, requiring constant updates and technical expertise to keep running smoothly. This belief often deters users who fear that managing a WordPress site will be too time-consuming or complicated.

In reality, maintaining a WordPress site can be straightforward, especially with the right tools and practices. WordPress’s built-in update system makes it easy to keep the core software, themes, and plugins up to date. Additionally, many maintenance tasks, such as backups and security scans, can be automated using plugins. Managed WordPress hosting providers often offer maintenance services, including automatic updates and performance monitoring, which further simplifies the process.

For agency owners,  WordPress Development’s extensive support community and documentation provide valuable resources for troubleshooting and best practices. With proper setup and management tools, maintaining a WordPress site can be efficient and user-friendly, dispelling the myth that it is overly complex or labor-intensive.

Myth 5: WordPress is Expensive to Maintain

A prevalent myth is that maintaining a WordPress site is costly, particularly regarding hosting, plugins, and ongoing support. This belief can deter potential users who worry about hidden costs or high maintenance fees.

In reality,  WordPress Development offers a range of affordable solutions that can fit various budgets. Many hosting providers offer cost-effective plans specifically tailored for WordPress, including options for small businesses and enterprise-level sites. Additionally, while premium themes and plugins can incur costs, there are numerous high-quality free alternatives available that meet various needs. Many maintenance tasks, such as updates and backups, can be managed efficiently using free or low-cost plugins.

By taking advantage of these resources and planning for scalability, agency owners can manage a WordPress site affordably without compromising on quality or functionality. This demonstrates that WordPress maintenance can be budget-friendly, effectively debunking the myth that maintaining a WordPress site is inherently expensive.

Myth 6: WordPress Is Not Mobile-Friendly

A common myth is that WordPress sites are not inherently mobile-friendly and require extensive work to ensure they are responsive on mobile devices. This misconception may stem from early versions of WordPress and themes that were not optimized for mobile.

In reality, modern  WordPress development themes are designed with mobile responsiveness in mind. Many themes are built using responsive design principles, meaning they automatically adjust to fit various screen sizes and devices. Additionally, WordPress offers numerous plugins that enhance mobile functionality and optimize user experience. With built-in support for mobile optimization, WordPress makes it easier for users to create sites that work well on smartphones and tablets without requiring significant additional effort.

By choosing a responsive theme and utilizing mobile-friendly plugins, agency owners can ensure their WordPress sites provide an excellent experience across all devices, effectively debunking the myth that WordPress is not mobile-friendly.

Myth 7: WordPress Does Not Support Advanced Functionality

Another prevalent myth is that WordPress lacks support for advanced functionality and complex features required by sophisticated websites and applications. This belief might arise from the idea that WordPress is primarily for simple blogs or small business sites.

In reality,  WordPress Development is highly capable of supporting advanced functionality through a variety of plugins and custom development options. The platform supports complex features like e-commerce, membership systems, custom post types, and interactive elements. Plugins such as WooCommerce for e-commerce, MemberPress for membership sites, and Advanced Custom Fields for custom content types extend WordPress’s capabilities to meet diverse and complex needs.

With the ability to integrate custom code, use advanced plugins, and leverage REST API for external integrations, WordPress can handle complex projects and applications. This flexibility demonstrates that WordPress supports advanced functionality effectively, debunking the myth that it is limited to basic websites.


By debunking these common WordPress development myths, we hope to clarify misconceptions and highlight the true potential of WordPress. Agency owners should reconsider any preconceived notions and explore WordPress as a powerful, flexible, and secure option for their web development needs.

Ready to unlock the full potential of WordPress for your agency? At TogetherWeship, we provide exceptional offshore WordPress development services with:

  • Expert Developers: Skilled in custom builds, e-commerce solutions, and advanced integrations.
  • Dedicated Project Management Managers (PMMs): Ensuring seamless communication and project alignment.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: High-quality development at competitive rates.
  • Global Talent Access: Leveraging expertise from around the world for superior results.

Partner with us for efficient, high-quality WordPress development tailored to your needs. Contact TogetherWeship today!

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