Blog / How to steer clear of common MVP development mistakes
June 21, 2024

How to steer clear of common MVP development mistakes

  • Agency Success
  • App Development
  • Development Support

You invest time, effort, and significant capital into planting what you believe could become a beautiful garden, only to watch it struggle to grow or perhaps fail. Reasons? The soil could be infertile, the season could be off, or the plants chosen aren’t suited for your climate. Much like gardening, MVP development involves similar uncertainties and risk factors. 

Everyone seems to know the benefits of MVP development, how to build an MVP, and MVP development costs. However, what they must know but often overlook are the exact features to prioritize in their MVP or how to gather actionable user feedback to iterate on it effectively, which leads to disaster. Despite the expert resources and best-laid plans, many minimum viable products fail to take root. This is not because the ideas are lacking per se but because of the mismatch between the product and its market environment.

This harsh reality is particularly evident in the digital transformation landscape, where the pace of innovation doesn’t always align with market readiness or consumer needs. The allure of being first-to-market can often lead to a blind eye toward fundamental aspects like user experience, market demand, and scalable design. Each failed MVP carries its own set of lessons—often learned the hard way.

In this article, we’ll explore some of these failed MVPs, dissecting precisely where things went wrong and the valuable insights they provide. For digital agency owners, understanding these failures is not just about avoiding pitfalls; it’s about refining the strategic approach to product development, ensuring a higher success rate for your client projects and establishing your agency as a knowledgeable authority in a competitive landscape.

Common mistakes in MVP development and examples of failed MVPs.

1. Misjudging Market Needs

Example: Google Glass

  • What Went Wrong: Google Glass faced backlash due to privacy concerns and a lack of clear, practical applications for the average consumer.
  • Lesson: Ensuring the product aligns with market needs and timing is crucial.
  • How TogetherWeShip Can Help: We provide comprehensive market research and validation strategies.
  • Our Approach: We utilize advanced analytics and user persona studies to gauge market readiness and refine product-market fit before development begins, reducing risks and enhancing success rates.

2. Underestimating Complexity

Example: Color App

  • What Went Wrong: Despite significant funding, Color’s reliance on user proximity limited its practicality.
  • Lesson: MVPs must function effectively in everyday scenarios, not just ideal ones.
  • How TogetherWeShip Can Help: We assist in scenario planning and prioritizing essential features.
  • Our Approach: Our team conducts detailed feasibility studies and uses iterative development processes to ensure the MVP is robust yet simple enough to meet core user needs without unnecessary complications.

3. Poor Initial User Experience

Example: Juicero

  • What Went Wrong: Over-engineered and overpriced, Juicero became infamous for functionality that didn’t justify its cost.
  • Lesson: Ensuring the MVP provides practical value and a positive user experience is vital.
  • How TogetherWeShip Can Help: We focus on delivering exceptional user experience design and testing.
  • Our MVP Development Approach: Early and ongoing usability testing with real users helps us iterate design and functionality, ensuring the MVP is intuitive and effectively meets practical needs.

4. Scalability Oversights

Example: Friendster

  • What Went Wrong: Friendster couldn’t scale its infrastructure to meet growing user demand, leading to a poor user experience.
  • Lesson: Planning for scalability from the outset is essential for success.
  • How TogetherWeShip Can Help: We provide scalable solutions and architecture consulting.
  • Our MVP Development Approach: By selecting appropriate technology stacks and designing with scalability in mind, we ensure that the architecture can handle growth in user numbers and data volume without performance losses.

5. Inadequate Feedback Loops

Example: Qwikster by Netflix

  • What Went Wrong: Netflix failed to integrate customer feedback effectively, resulting in a highly unpopular brand separation.
  • Lesson: Incorporating and acting on user feedback quickly is crucial for MVP development.
  • How TogetherWeShip Can Help: We establish effective feedback systems using modern tools.
  • Our MVP Development Approach: Setting up agile development practices and continuous integration/deployment systems, we create a feedback loop that allows for rapid iteration based on user insights, keeping the development process responsive and user-focused.

Actionable items for you to make sure your MVP development doesn’t fail. 

Understanding where MVPs have failed in the past provides invaluable insights. Here are practical, step-by-step actions that can be taken to avoid common pitfalls and increase the chances of success in your MVP projects.

1. How to ensure market fit for MVP:

Actionable Steps:

  1. Conduct Market Validation: Before development starts, validate the concept with potential users. Use tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey to conduct surveys that assess potential interest and willingness to pay.
  2. Prototype Testing: Create a simple prototype, even if it’s just wireframes or a mockup, and gather feedback through user testing sessions.
  3. Iterative Refinement: Based on feedback, refine the product proposition before coding begins. This can help ensure that the product meets the actual needs of your target audience.

2. How to prioritize user experience in MVP development:

Actionable Steps:

  1. User Journey Mapping: Document the user’s journey from start to finish. Identify key interactions where your MVP must excel to satisfy and retain users.
  2. Prototype and Usability Testing: Develop an interactive prototype and conduct usability tests. Tools like InVision or Adobe XD can facilitate this process.
  3. Incorporate UX Feedback: Use the insights from testing to refine the user interface and user experience. Plan for continuous improvement even after the MVP is launched.

3. How to plan for scalability in MVP development:

Actionable Steps:

  1. Choose the Right Tech Stack: Select technologies that can handle increases in user numbers and data without performance losses. Consider cloud solutions like AWS or Google Cloud for flexibility.
  2. Implement Modular Architecture: Design your MVP with modular components that can be independently scaled or updated.
  3. Regular Load Testing: Schedule regular load testing sessions to simulate increased user loads and identify potential breakpoints in the system.

4. How to incorporate user feedback in MVP development:

Actionable Steps:

  1. Set Up a Feedback Loop: Implement a system for collecting and analyzing user feedback from the outset. Tools like UserVoice or Hotjar can be instrumental.
  2. Agile Response Strategy: Adopt an agile development methodology that allows for quick iterations based on user feedback. Keep sprints short and focused on addressing critical feedback.
  3. Continuous Deployment: Use continuous integration and deployment tools to roll out improvements regularly, minimizing disruption to user experience.

TogetherWeShip – A partner you can trust with MVP development

Understanding the intricacies of MVP development can be daunting, but learning from past failures provides a solid foundation for future success. 

So, now we have provided you with examples, lessons, and actionable strategies to ensure your MVP is guaranteed to succeed. You either do it yourself or find someone who can help you with it, and who could be better than TogetherWeShip to do the job? 

At TogetherWeShip, we excel in guiding digital agencies through the complex process of MVP development, ensuring that your client’s products are perfectly positioned for market success. 

If your agency wants to enhance its capabilities in delivering effective MVPs, or if you’re venturing into new service offering territories without prior experience, consider us your dedicated offshore MVP development partner. We’ll be your extended arm, helping you get your client’s MVP become market ready and succeed.

Schedule a consultation with us to delve deeper into your specific needs.