Blog / Why do digital agencies switch their offshore outsourcing vendor?
July 31, 2024

Why do digital agencies switch their offshore outsourcing vendor?

  • Agency Growth
  • Offshore Outsourcing

The allure of offshoring for digital agencies is undeniable.

  • Access to a global talent pool
  • Significant cost savings
  • Potential for around-the-clock operations

These make it an attractive option. But working with offshore outsourcing vendors isn’t always smooth sailing. There’s a lot that can go wrong, and many agencies find themselves stuck in a frustrating cycle of switching vendors, sometimes more often than they’d like to admit.

Why does this happen? 

What are the hidden challenges and pitfalls that drive agencies to make the difficult decision to change their offshore partners?

The answers might surprise you. 

In this blog, we’ll dive into the real reasons behind these shifts, shedding light on the complex and often messy reality of offshoring in the digital age. Whether you’re an agency struggling with your current vendor or just curious about the behind-the-scenes dynamics, this is a must-read. Buckle up—it’s going to be an eye-opener.

The factors influencing digital agencies to replace their offshore partners

1. Quality of Work

When offshore vendors fail to deliver high-quality work, it can cause significant disruptions. Poor quality work can result in software bugs, incomplete features, and design inconsistencies, all of which require additional time and resources to address. These issues not only delay project timelines but also erode client trust and satisfaction, ultimately damaging the agency’s reputation. To avoid these pitfalls, agencies often seek new vendors who can consistently meet their quality expectations.

Examples of How Quality Issues Affect Agencies:

  • Inconsistent Code Quality: Regularly finding bugs and inconsistencies in the code can be frustrating and time-consuming. This not only affects the functionality of the project but also requires additional resources to fix, thereby increasing costs and delaying timelines.
  • Design Discrepancies: Creative work that does not meet the client’s expectations or brand guidelines can result in multiple revisions. This not only affects client satisfaction but also prolongs the project, making it more expensive and less efficient.
  • Missed Deadlines: Repeated delays in delivering project milestones can have a cascading effect on the entire project timeline. This not only frustrates clients but also puts the agency’s reputation at risk, potentially leading to loss of future business.

2. Communication Barriers 

When offshore outsourcing vendor fail to communicate progress, delays, or obstacles, it leaves the agency in the dark. This lack of information makes it difficult for the agency to update their clients, leading to situations where they appear unprofessional and unprepared. This embarrassment can severely damage the agency’s credibility and client trust, prompting the agency to seek out vendors who can ensure transparent and consistent communication. 

Impact of Communication Issues on Agencies:

  • Client Embarrassment: When an agency is unable to provide clear updates or explanations to clients because of communication issues with the vendor, it undermines the agency’s professionalism and reliability. This can lead to a loss of client trust and confidence.
  • Project Delays: Miscommunications can result in incorrect project implementations, requiring rework and causing significant delays. This can disrupt the entire project schedule, affecting deliverables and deadlines.
  • Frustration and Stress: Constantly navigating communication challenges can lead to frustration and stress for both the agency and its clients. This can impact overall productivity, employee morale, and client satisfaction.
  • Inaccurate Deliverables: Misunderstood requirements can lead to deliverables that do not meet the project specifications. This necessitates additional revisions and increases project costs.

Overcoming Communication Barriers with Offshore Teams: Effective communication strategies are crucial in managing offshore teams. Establishing clear communication protocols, utilizing collaborative tools, and ensuring regular updates can help mitigate misunderstandings and keep projects on track. By addressing these barriers, agencies can enhance their professionalism, maintain client trust, and achieve successful project outcomes.

3. Hidden costs

Initial quotes may seem attractive, but additional charges for revisions, overtime, or unexpected project adjustments can quickly add up. Moreover, the time and effort required to manage and oversee these vendors often increase operational costs. Poor quality work that necessitates rework further inflates expenses. These hidden costs can make the relationship financially unviable, leading agencies to seek vendors who offer clearer and more honest pricing structures.

Ways Offshore Vendors Inflate Costs:

Inflated Costs Through Additional Charges: Vendors may initially offer low prices but later inflate costs through additional charges for revisions, overtime, or unexpected project needs. This can quickly turn a seemingly cost-effective solution into an expensive one.

Management Overhead Adding to Costs: Increased time spent managing and overseeing the offshore team can add to operational costs, negating the financial benefits of outsourcing. Agencies often underestimate the amount of management attention required.

Quality-Related Costs from Poor Work: Poor quality work often requires additional resources to fix, leading to higher expenses than initially anticipated. This includes both direct costs (e.g., hiring additional developers) and indirect costs (e.g., project delays).

Scope Creep Leading to Unexpected Expenses: Vendors may exploit unclear project specifications to introduce additional charges for what they classify as out-of-scope work, leading to unexpected increases in project costs.

Want to explore the strategies for reducing hidden costs in outsourcing – Click here

4. Technological Shortcomings

The digital industry is ever-evolving, with new technologies and methodologies emerging regularly. Offshore outsourcing vendor need to stay updated with the latest trends and possess the technical skills to implement them.

Technological Shortcomings That Impact Agencies:

Outdated Skills: Vendors not proficient in the latest technologies and tools can struggle to meet modern project requirements, leading to subpar outcomes. This can affect the quality and functionality of the final product.

Inability to Innovate: A lack of creativity and innovation in approaching new projects can limit the agency’s ability to offer unique solutions to clients. This can affect the agency’s competitiveness and ability to attract new business.

Limited Technical Infrastructure: Insufficient resources to support modern development practices can slow down project progress and limit the scope of what can be achieved. This includes access to the latest software, hardware, and development environments.

Inflexibility with New Technologies: Vendors resistant to adopting new technologies or methodologies can hinder an agency’s ability to stay ahead in a rapidly changing market.

5. Scalability and Flexibility

As digital agencies grow and their project requirements change, they need vendors who can scale their operations accordingly. A lack of flexibility in scaling up or down, or adapting to new project requirements, can be a significant disadvantage.

Scalability Issues That Hinder Agency Growth:

Rigid Processes: Inflexible workflows that cannot accommodate changing project needs can stifle progress and innovation. This can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities.

Resource Limitations: Inability to quickly scale the team up or down based on project demands can lead to missed opportunities or overextended resources. This can affect the agency’s ability to take on new projects or manage existing ones effectively.

Adaptability: Difficulty in adapting to new project management methodologies or tools can slow down project delivery and hinder the agency’s ability to stay competitive. This includes the adoption of agile methodologies, new software tools, and collaborative platforms.

Limited Capacity for Rapid Scaling: Vendors that cannot rapidly increase or decrease team size based on project requirements can limit an agency’s ability to respond to market demands.

So, now that you know why digital agencies switch offshore vendors, let’s see how you can choose the most reliable offshore vendor for your digital agency.

How to choose best offshore outsourcing vendor?

Choosing the right offshore outsourcing partner is crucial for the success of digital projects. The right choice can lead to enhanced productivity, cost savings, and high-quality deliverables. Here are key strategies to master offshore vendor selection:

1. Define Your Requirements Clearly

Before beginning the search for an offshore vendor, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your project requirements. This includes the scope of work, technical specifications, deadlines, and budget. A well-defined requirement list helps in finding a vendor that can meet your specific needs.

Checklist for Defining Requirements:

  • Project Scope: Clearly outline the project objectives and deliverables.
  • Technical Specifications: Define the technologies, platforms, and tools required.
  • Deadlines: Set realistic timelines for project milestones and final delivery.
  • Budget: Determine your budget and ensure it covers all aspects of the project, including potential contingencies.
  • Quality Standards: Specify the quality benchmarks and testing procedures.

2. Assess Communication and Cultural Fit

Effective communication and cultural alignment are vital for a successful partnership. Ensure that the vendor has a strong command of your language and that their communication practices align with your expectations.

Factors to Consider for Communication and Cultural Fit:

  • Language Proficiency: Ensure the vendor team is proficient in the required language for smooth communication.
  • Communication Channels: Establish preferred communication channels (e.g., email, video calls, project management tools).
  • Time Zone Compatibility: Consider time zone differences and plan for overlapping working hours.
  • Cultural Understanding: Assess the vendor’s understanding of your business culture and values.

3. Evaluate Technical Competence

The vendor’s technical skills and infrastructure are paramount to the success of your project. Ensure that they are proficient in the latest technologies and have the necessary resources to support your project.

Technical Competence Checklist:

  • Technical Skills: Verify proficiency in required technologies and tools.
  • Certifications and Training: Check for relevant certifications and ongoing training programs.
  • Development Practices: Review their development methodologies (e.g., Agile, Scrum) and quality assurance processes.
  • Infrastructure: Ensure they have the necessary technical infrastructure, including software, hardware, and development environments.

4. Discuss Costs and Contracts Transparently

Transparent discussions about costs and contracts help avoid misunderstandings and hidden charges. Make sure that all terms and conditions are clearly outlined in the contract.

Key Points for Cost and Contract Discussions:

  • Detailed Cost Breakdown: Request a detailed breakdown of costs, including any potential additional charges.
  • Payment Terms: Agree on payment milestones and terms.
  • Contract Clauses: Ensure the contract includes clauses for confidentiality, intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution.
  • Flexibility: Discuss flexibility in scope changes and how they will be managed financially.

5. Pilot Projects and Testing

Before committing to a long-term partnership, consider starting with a pilot project. This allows you to assess the vendor’s capabilities, communication, and overall fit without significant risk.

Steps for Conducting Pilot Projects:

  • Define a Small Scope: Select a smaller, manageable project that can be completed in a short timeframe.
  • Set Clear Objectives: Outline the goals and success criteria for the pilot project.
  • Evaluate Performance: Assess the vendor’s performance based on quality, timeliness, communication, and overall collaboration.
  • Feedback Loop: Provide feedback and observe how the vendor responds to improvements and adjustments.

Need help finding the right offshore partner?

Navigating the offshore vendor selection process can be daunting. At TogetherWeShip, we turn complexity into simplicity. With a track record of aiding over 200 agencies, our hands-on experience with 100+ clients has refined our consulting approach, ensuring it’s effective and reliable.

Why Choose TogetherWeShip?

  • Seamless Onboarding: Quick, easy, and no-cost onboarding process to get you started without delays.
  • Experienced Professionals: Access to senior resources with 5+ years of industry experience.
  • Transparent Billing: No invoices without timesheet approval, ensuring transparency and trust.
  • Timezone Flexibility: Our team works across time zones to match your schedule.
  • Consistent Communication: Weekly meetings with project managers to keep you updated and involved.
  • No Long-Term Commitment: No minimum contract term, providing you with flexibility and control.

Scaling your business with offshore vendors has never been easier. Our expertise ensures you get the best talent without the hassle, allowing you to focus on growth and innovation. Let TogetherWeShip handle the complexities of offshore vendor management for you.


Mastering offshore vendor selection requires a strategic approach that involves clear requirement definition, thorough research, and careful evaluation of communication, technical competence, and cost transparency. By following these strategies, digital agencies can build strong, effective partnerships with offshore vendors, leading to successful project outcomes and long-term benefits.

Choosing the right offshore vendor is not just about finding the lowest cost option but about finding a reliable partner who can deliver high-quality work, communicate effectively, and align with your business goals. With careful planning and diligent assessment, agencies can navigate the complexities of offshore vendor selection and achieve exceptional results.

Schedule a consultation with us to delve deeper into your specific needs.